Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Babies!

There will be 2 new faces at MOPS this year! Congratulations to new mommies, Malana Barnhill and Amber DeGraw!

Connor Barnhill

Jacqueline DeGraw and mommy Amber

MOPS Picnic

We ended the year with a super fun picnic in Sanders park this May, the food was yummy, and as always, the company was awesome! What a fun year we had, thank you all you moms that gave so generously of your time- and a special thank you to all of the dedicated nursery workers too!

Mr. and Ms. Garcia

Beth, Sarah, and Sunny

Friday, August 14, 2009

Gardening Gals

Sheri treated us all to a crash course in gardening this spring. Everyone got to transplant a cutting from a geranium plant- mine actually bloomed! Anyone else?

Amber C. and Kendell

Sheri- Thanks so much, everyone enjoyed it!