Sunday, September 28, 2008

Date Night

We had a great time at Date Night on Friday! There were 9 couples in all- we had a fun evening just hanging out and getting to know each other- and the food was great!! Thank you Cindy, Lisa, and Walna for working in the nursery, we all appreciate it so much!

Amber and Sunny checking out the prizes!

Monday, September 22, 2008

September MOPS

We had a wonderful Meeting this week, 21 Mommies in all! Susan LePage from Public Health presented Happiest Baby On The Block, the video session was on LOVE, and everyone made a pretty jar of bath salts for craft. Thank you Kathy, Sarah, Frankie, Joan, Laura, and Wanda for all your help in the nursery! We will be needing to replace a nursery worker next month, if you know of anyone that would be interested in helping, please let Amanda know 307-247-2557.

Amber B.

Craft Time

Susan demonstrates techniques for a Happy Baby.
Amber G.
We had a great meeting this week at MOPS, there were 21 mommies in attendance! Our group has grown each meeting, it has been so much fun getting to know everyone. Susan LePage from Public Health presented "Happiest Baby On The Block", Our video session was on LOVE, and all of the Mommies made a pretty jar of bath salts for craft. Thak you Kathy, Sarah, Frankie, Joan, Laura, and Wanda for all of your help in the nursery! Starting next month, we will be needing to replace one of the nursery workers, if you know of anyone that might be interested, please let Amanda know, 347-3127.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

MOPS goes to Hawaii!

This week at MOPS, mommy Amber Degraw took us on an Island Adventure! 18 moms attended, and lots of kiddos too. Thank you so much Frankie, Joan, Martha, Jeannie, Kathy, Laura, and Wanda for volunteering in the nursery- we love you all so much!

Our video session was on Family Fun, and Amber treated us all to a VERY fun Hawaiian morning. She shared her experience of growing up in Hawaii, crafts, music, and pictures, and taught us all how to hula dance. We even had a Hawaiian chocoalte pie for snack! After mastering the hula (sort of!), we all learned how to make yarn and candy leis. Thank you Amber for such a FUN presentation!

Learning to Hula

Diving in to Hawaiian pie!

Making Leis

Hi Mom!

Hula Videos

Friday, September 5, 2008

Congratulations Tharp Family!


Congratulations Jessica, Kyle, and Natalie Tharp on new baby boy Beckett Lee!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm So Lucky

Dear Mommies,

Today started out pretty rotten, I woke up with a pounding headache, awakened by the sound of my two boys fighting. As soon as the baby woke up, it was obvious that the day wasn't going to get better, she had a fever, and green goop all over her pretty little face. We managed to make it through the morning, and after laying the baby down for afternoon nap, I hopped in the shower. When I turned the water off, I could hear her crying. Forget nap I thought, we need groceries anyway.

I put on the only decent clean shirt left in my drawer, and off we went. As we were walking up to the grocery store, an older gentleman stopped me in the parking lot. He asked, '"Are all those kids yours?" reluctantly I said yes (wondering what it was that they had done now) and his reply was, "That's what I had, two boys and a girl, you're lucky." He kept on walking.

Just inside the doors, I noticed that I had a shiney new puddle of snot on my shoulder and my toddler was already raiding the donut case. While we wandered around the grocery store, I kept on telling myself, "You're lucky". As I shopped I noticed several other moms like myself - wet hair, pajama pants, and kids- I told my self "They're lucky".

As I'm writting this, the snotty baby is on my lap wiping more boogers on my not so clean shirt, and the boys, are still fighting- but I'm still telling my self, "You're lucky". So In case you needed a reminder today like I did- "YOU'RE LUCKY!". Wet hair, pj pants, fighting kids, and boogery shirts- these too shall pass! Were lucky! Ecclesiates 3:1


Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of MOPS!

MOPS kicked off today, and what a wonderful start! 17 Mommies and LOTS of kids! We were blessed to have 5 nursery workers volunteer (We could still use extra hands if anyone can help!), thank you SO much Martha, Laura, Wanda, Kathy, Jeanie, and Pastor Kevin who filled in with the babies. We spent the morning getting to know each other over refreshments and a craft- each of the moms made a little scrapbook out of coasters. There were lots of new faces and a few newcomers to Worland as well.