Friday, January 23, 2009

FireProof Showing

There will be a showing of this film on the big screen upstairs at church Sat. Jan 24th and 31st at 7 pm. Childcare is provided, and the movie is FREE! It is a great "date" movie, but if your husband can't make it, don't feel akward coming without him!
If anyone is interested, a six week marriage workshop based on the film will be starting up Feb 07, Saturday evenings at 7pm, childcare provided.

Ladies Bible Study

This Bible study will meet Tuesday evenings at 7 pm for 10 weeks (video session and discussion), starting Feb. 03. If you would like to attend but need childcare, please let me know so that I can make arangements for a nursery. These studies are always fun, and there is always a wonderful group of ladies participating!

New Faces At MOPS

How exciting the past few weeks have been! Three new babies will be joining us at MOPS now, Congratulations to the Woodbury, Core, and Greimsman Families on their new additions!

Jonas Woodbury

Kaitlynn Core

Tanner Greimsman